The last week has been a blur. It involved a lot of list making, a lot of scrambling to pack lunch, bags, set out clothes each evening, hurriedly fixing dinner, doing laundry as much as possible and taking care of baby all before collapsing into bed exhausted. I went back…
… for real. I took the trash out this morning and realized that my rose bush has this giant creation all over it. So I looked around more and found probably 5 more thick webs over other various plants. I really hate spraying hazardous chemicals around the yard, but it…
I’m way overdue for this. I’m giving myself a break, what with the adjusting to motherhood and all, but I can and need to do better. I’m down to one final week of maternity leave before I go back to work and it seems like a good time. I’m taking…
Sometimes I make time to actually make something for myself. I should be out cleaning the garden up but, instead, I finished this Whorl cowl.
Phillip Fox Band. Also known as me admitting that I don’t hate everything that sounds even slightly country. Expanding my horizons I guess you could say.
Yesterday we had a kitchen day – I turned on the White Stripes station on Pandora, popped him into the bouncer, and we hung out together in the kitchen while I prepped some items for dinners this week and cleaned and organized some cabinets. It’s been a bit since…