• Posts

    The October Slow Down

    I can’t believe we’re at the end of September already. Wasn’t just yesterday the end of August? Where has the time gone? This month has felt so busy, and an October slow down feels absolutely necessary. I need time to settle down and refocus. I’ve not spent a lot of…

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    Family recipes

    In this tiny little recipe book I have a secret little treasure that I love so very, very much. That, my friends, is a recipe for zucchini bread, written in my great-grandmother’s own handwriting. That woman was such a baker. She had some of the most amazing recipes, and every year…

  • Posts

    Knitterly Souvenirs

    A traveling knitter will always find yarn. If that’s not already a law of knitterly nature it damn well should be. Give me a new place to visit and I’ll find the nearest yarn store, and then make you go along with me while I splurge a bit and snag…

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    Vacation photo dump

    Two cameras worth of photos to edit, which is very… boring. All those shots of the lake? They all end up looking the same after a while. I know there was a reason for taking all those photos, but perhaps next time I’ll remember that just a few is perfectly…

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    Homeward bound

    We’re on our way home as I write. It’s been a long, kinda chilly weekend but much loved as the Mr and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary. It was a great way to celebrate. Pictures and more to follow as soon as I get a chance to sift through…

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    Vernal Equinox Shawl, pre-blocking

    This might just be the largest project I’ve ever knit. It’s big and squishy thanks to the worsted-weight yarn, and a quick wash in some Soak and a spin in the washer made it crazy soft. Better, post-blocking pictures after the weekend :)