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    Vacation photo dump

    Two cameras worth of photos to edit, which is very… boring. All those shots of the lake? They all end up looking the same after a while. I know there was a reason for taking all those photos, but perhaps next time I’ll remember that just a few is perfectly…

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    Homeward bound

    We’re on our way home as I write. It’s been a long, kinda chilly weekend but much loved as the Mr and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary. It was a great way to celebrate. Pictures and more to follow as soon as I get a chance to sift through…

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    Vernal Equinox Shawl, pre-blocking

    This might just be the largest project I’ve ever knit. It’s big and squishy thanks to the worsted-weight yarn, and a quick wash in some Soak and a spin in the washer made it crazy soft. Better, post-blocking pictures after the weekend :)

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    Apple season

    $24, 1.5 hours, and 54lbs later… I have an epic amount of canning to do. So far I’ve finished 7 jars of applesauce. I don’t think I even used half of a bag. I’m working on another batch of applesauce (I go through it like crazy over the winter!), but…

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    Late Summer Blooms

    The first bloom on the clematis trellis we built earlier this summer, and a second one closely behind on the second plant. I’m very thankful that my raised bed/trellis idea has worked out. The distressed clematis plants we picked up for cheap have done really well in their new home.…

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    Sophisticated Twins

    Grape version done, grey version has just a sleeve to go (conveniently hidden on that left side you can’t see). They still need buttons but I’ll have to go out of town for those – the local selection just wasn’t what I was looking for. Next up – twin knits,…