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    Caroling, caroling

    There was a free holiday sing-a-long at the local theater today, so off we went and tucked ourselves into a small side aisle just in case we needed to dash out to the lobby with the baby if he started fussing. The afternoon was a mix of listening to the…

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    Snowflake photo clips

    I’ve had these snowflake buttons in my craft stash for a few years now. I originally purchased them to use as a decorative accent on some felt mitten ornaments I wanted to make, but those never panned out. I tend to hoard supplies and not want to use them, but…

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    The (real) tree

    This holiday season is looking to be the one that starts a whole slew of new traditions. This would be our very first real tree. I have never, to my memory, ever had a real tree in my 30 years. It’s just not something we did. I’ve longed for one…

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    Post Turkey Hangover

      Thanksgiving Dinner. We host every year, which is always stressful. I keep wondering if it will get easier from year to year… and I suppose it has if only because I started caring less about my house being perfectly clean. The volume of people crammed in here, however, never…

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    Hello, snow!

    We spent the evening at my mom and dad’s for a birthday dinner and came out to our cars to find the lightest, sweetest coating of snow on everything. This morning we awoke to the most perfect scene – beautiful snow clinging to the tree branches ever so gently, the…

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    Getting festive

    We’re getting festive this weekend. And yes, I know, Thanksgiving isn’t over with yet. True story: I don’t care. Thanksgiving, to me, always feels oddly timed for a harvest meal. Canadians have it right, I think. At least for us Ohioans where the harvest season tends to be done by…