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    The house is unusually quiet this morning. The stepson is here for the weekend but he never comes downstairs until 11 or noon (that’s a sore subject that I won’t get into here). The poor Mr is sick and sleeping on the couch. I’ve had the whole house to myself.…

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    UFO Wrangling

      I hate to admit it,  but I’m just so utterly uninspired lately. Nothing strikes my fancy. I’ve picked up and put down more knitting projects lately than I care to admit. I’ve spent countless hours trolling the internet for new projects,recipes, ideas, etc. I just want something – anything – to reignite…

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    Weekending in Yellow Springs

      Oh, how I do love that man I married! ♥ This weekend we celebrated our 6th anniversary and we spent our weekend in Yellow Springs. I have to admit, our weekend was less-than-stellar. And by that I mean that I was off-and-on sick all weekend. Bummer :( But it was still…

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    Back in the kitchen.

    For the last few weeks I’ve been in a sour mood and just completely and totally uninspired. And then Thursday morning I witnessed the most horrifying thing I have ever seen/heard to date involving a neighborhood dog getting hit by I car. I completely broke down. Not only was the…

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    130 Miles

    Today we took the bike 2-up (that means I was on the back rather than us each riding our own motorcycles). We’ve never done it before but a trip around the town proved to be quite easy, so we went out for a long ride. We wanted to ride up…

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    Road Tripping

    We took the motorcycles out on a longer distance ride. The Mr on the new British beauty, and I on the little Rebel. We made a day out of it and drove to Malabar Farm. We’ve been there in early spring for the maple syrup thing, so this time we…