Phillip Fox Band. Also known as me admitting that I don’t hate everything that sounds even slightly country. Expanding my horizons I guess you could say.
Sometimes you need a bright, cheerful yarn to help snap you out of the bad mood you’ve been in. I dug this handspun out of the fiber trunk and decided to make something out of it – a Brightest Day hat, which seems quite fitting considering my life lately. Brighter days…
Yesterday we had a kitchen day – I turned on the White Stripes station on Pandora, popped him into the bouncer, and we hung out together in the kitchen while I prepped some items for dinners this week and cleaned and organized some cabinets. It’s been a bit since…
The munchkin is a month old now, and I’m finding myself more ready to embrace the Real World. Not that I don’t enjoy soaking up baby snuggles or anything, because I totally do (also, baby farts are hilarious even if I do feel a bit bad about how uncomfortable the gas…
Sometimes something comes across my social media feed that really, truly speaks to me. This article from Serious Eats does just that. “On my thirty-third birthday, I took to Facebook: So here’s what Joe and I have decided to do, in my 33rd year, to make our lives happier: we…
I’ve been pretty out of commission for the last week thanks to a nasty mastitis infection. It’s not something I ever care to repeat so I’ve been strictly adhering to the rest, rest, and rest some more orders from the urgent care doctor I saw last Saturday. Which means if…