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    Moving right along…

    My little spreadsheet is doing well at keeping me in check and knitting along from my stash. The yarn arrived Wednesday for finishing the husband’s scarf so it won’t be long before I have that done (tonight, even, if I’m lucky). I’ve been contemplating what I should knit next, and…

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    Mermaids all over

    I’m told this arrived to it’s intended recipient, so now I can share this lovely thing. My skills aren’t perfect, but I think it turned out quite adorable.  

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    That winter lull. January is always so busy, with end of year wrapping up at work. It always feels more like just a continuation of the craziness from the holidays, just morphed and evolved into a new kind of crazy. February, though… February I can breathe. I can think of things…

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    Rare evenings

    The baby is in bed, the house is surprisingly clean (for now) with all the baby paraphernalia tucked away for the day. It’s one of those rare evenings that seem to happen once in a blue moon. Those kinds of nights where everything went well and I’m not so exhausted…

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    Snow day knitting

        Hello, friends! I’ve been, ever so slowly, getting more and more knitting done as the days go by. I’ve had a brief period of not wanting to do any knitting at all, and if you know me you know that I’m never without my needles in hand. I’m always…

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    These cookies are for you, Great Grandma

    I woke up today with an absolutely overwhelming urge to bake cookies. Not just any cookies, mind you, but the cookies of my childhood. My Great Grandma’s chocolate chip cookies. I can’t explain the overwhelming feeling that I had to make these. It sounds crazy, but it’s almost like my great grandma…