• Posts

    Ushering in #28

    Today I turned 28. I’m really not a fan of birthdays, but all-in-all so far today hasn’t been so bad. The niece and I have had quite the day so far. This morning I finished the icing for my birthday cake (I made Alicia’s go-to birthday cake recipe, though mine…

  • Posts

    Something new for Sunday

    I’m trying something new today. It started off as a way to entertain the niece. She quickly became bored with it and I took over. I’ve had the knitting board since the holidays but never bothered to get it out until now. It’s different. It’s a bit tedious, moreso than…

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    Nature Walk

    Sometimes I forget what awesome things we have right in our own backyard (Well, 15 minutes away at the local nature preserve. But it might as well be my own backyard.)  

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    Spinning Sable, the final verdict

    Well, here it is. The finished yarn. 850ish yards of handspun beauty. This sets an entirely new record on yardage for me. The braid of fiber was only 4oz. No wonder it felt like I was never going to finish the plying – 850 yards! Good grief. I was still unsure…

  • Posts

    Spinning Sable, the never ending plying

    Last night I attempted to begin plying, but I just wasn’t feeling up for it after spending several hours trying to finish the singles. Tonight I’ve been plying for nearly 3 hours. As soon as I came home from work I was at my wheel making my yarn.  And in…