Yesterday I spent time laboring hard in the garden. Weeds were growing and I needed to get in there before they completely got out of hand. Which then reminded me of how hard it is to tell weed sprouts sometimes from actual veggie sprouts. It’s not so bad with the…
As Fiona Apple sings: “I don’t go to sleep to dream.” I don’t dream. Or if I do, I certainly don’t know it. Nights that I’m conscious of my dream(s) I don’t sleep well, and the dreams are never something nice/happy. I’m a natural skeptic. I want to believe in…
Monday I decided, on a whim, to dye some fiber. I had egg coloring kits on hand, and I had fiber fluff, and I had a Monday at home to clean and dye fiber in between work projects. Ahhh the joys of being your own boss at least part of…
Today was a day for garden work. Yesterday the Mr tilled and expanded our planting area. Which really wasn’t an expansion at all because while we’re widening it, we’re also leaving very well defined walking areas. It’s my way of making designated planting beds without the expense of raised beds…
This picture probably doesn’t look like much. But from the knees down, my jeans are soaked. Today I had a whole new experience: riding my motorcycle in the rain. I assure you it wasn’t intentional. And I worked myself up way too much over it throughout the day, dreading the…
My handspun camel/merino shawl is done! I’m not 100% thrilled with the patten – it’s a little too boring for my tastes. But it sets off the gorgeous handspun yarn wonderfully. Today marks the beginning of a whirlwind month. So many things going on and I’m not quite sure how…