It’s not exactly gone as planned. It helps if you remember your ID badge so you can get into the office when you decide to go in early.
I seem to go through phases with spinning. I love doing it. I love watching a chunk of roving go from a fluff of fiber to a tiny strand of yarn. I love watching the colors shift with each manipulation from fiber to singles to plied yarn to finished/knitted product.…
It’s cold and rainy today, and any garden work I anticipated on doing has gone completely out the window. And, as it happens, I’m not feeling great anyhow. So I’m curled up bed with my Sunnyside cardi to work on while I watch Land Girls and drool over every little thing…
“So far from where I started out. So far from where I wanna be. Listening for answers in the wind, But can’t find a rock to plant my feet.”
A little Sunnyside cardi in the works. I’m chilling out on the porch listening to the rain. And, quite frankly, freezing my fingers off but I’m sick of being couped up indoors. Knitting is a good thing to do to keep my mind off the sugar cravings/withdrawal. (Yarn is Kertzer…
As I write there are a slew of donuts in the office taunting me. Begging me to eat them. They’re alllllll shapes and sizes, some cream filled, others just glazed. The little donut holes are tempting me the most. They seem so sweet and innocent, their little bites of sweet…