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    That smile

    This kid is going to be spoiled rotten by his mama if he keeps this cuteness up. Happy due date, little one – I’m glad you decided to make your appearance early!

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    Sweet child of mine

    The Little Mr., Declan, decided to make his grand appearance in the world on Friday, August 8th at 38 weeks and 5 days. I’m completely smitten with him! He’s so little, at 5lbs 11oz, that the “newborn” clothes are horribly baggy on him, but I know that all too quickly he’ll outgrow…

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    Random projects

    Dishcloth, baby bonnet, handspun yarn. I went in on a KnitPicks order with my knit group girls and have yarn for holiday stockings and I started one for the teenager-almost-20-year-old immediately. Never mind that I hate rushing into the winter holidays, or that I hate the over-commercializing of them. Or…

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    Easy-peasy DIY pacifier clip

    We’re down to 5ish weeks until the Little Mr arrives (please, oh, please let it only be 5 weeks and not a day more), which means I’m feeling crunched on crafting time to get things finished. You know, on top of the things that actually need finished – like the nursery. I…

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    Three Zero

    Well, I’m 30. I’m not exactly happy about it, but not sad, either. Ambivalent, I think, is the word. This year is a definite change from last year and the year before. It’s been a less-than-exciting day and just a part of a less-than-exciting week. The most excitement I’ve had…