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    Smitten’s Chocolate Macaroons

    It’s incredibly rare that I see a recipe and immediately have to make it. Half the time I’ll favorite the link with the best intentions of getting to it eventually and before I know it I’ve completely forgotten about it. Occasionally, I might actually purchase the ingredients to make a…

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    A boy it is.

    Monday. The day that felt like it would never come fast enough and, yet, did as life threw us one curve ball after another. Before I knew it I was sitting in the waiting room, practically bursting with excitement, anxious to get back to a room at the doctor’s office…

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    Better late than never

    I finally managed to start my seeds last week (there was quite the meltdown about money to fix the cars, and how starting seeds saves us money on plants and whatnot) and they’re germinating nicely. I skipped the peppers, since they take a lot longer to germinate, but there are…

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    Things fall apart

    It’s been a week full of mostly “downs” – both our car and truck have managed to break down, leaving us without transportation this weekend save for the car my sister is letting me borrow (which is in worse shape than our own two, I might add, so we can’t…

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    Not lost after all

    Oh, happy happy day! Years ago, I took a scanner with me on a visit to my grandparents to get some copies of family photos. I wanted digital versions in case the originals ended up lost. I had a folder full of scans, and a set of papers with notes…

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    In the early spring garden

    In what might be the best thing ever to happen to this lazy gardener (who still has yet to start her seeds… I really should get on that) – chives growing from last year’s plantings.  I had no idea that they would end up a perennial once established, and had…