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Things fall apart

ressurectionstone-2ply ressurectionstone-3plyIt’s been a week full of mostly “downs” – both our car and truck have managed to break down, leaving us without transportation this weekend save for the car my sister is letting me borrow (which is in worse shape than our own two, I might add, so we can’t go too far from home). The motorcycles don’t even work as a back-up at the moment because mother nature has decided to throw a little more snow and ice our way. We had plans this weekend to meet up with a friend of mine from Cardiff who is visiting the states on holiday and I’m quite upset by not being able to do so (she and I are both pregnant and due in August and I was really looking forward to comparing our bellies and whatnot). We considered renting a car for the weekend, since at the time it was just my car needing repair, but that idea quickly went out the window when the truck broke, too. I don’t do well when everything falls apart at once, and I’ve broken down and cried more than I care to admit over this mess.

In my effort to regain even the smallest amount of control over life at the moment I’m still plugging away at current works-in-progress. This week it was some spinning I started in the fall. I had one chunk of fiber finished on my stock flyer, and I was on the last chunk using the lace flyer. A few hours of spinning here and there, and then plying, and what I’m left with is 500 yards of 3ply yarn and the itch to cast on with it right away. Except I have that pile of WIP’s to deal with. And a hat I’m being commissioned to knit that I really need to get working on (because no matter how sweet and understanding my friend is, there comes a point where she’ll be wondering “where the eff is my finished product?!)

I know, much like everything in life, that things will calm down. The sun will shine tomorrow. The vehicles will be repaired, life will resume it’s usual routine, and I’ll soldier on like nothing ever happened this week. But for now, I’m going to go put on my pajamas (yes, before it’s even 5pm) and settle in with some hot tea and a calming movie and try to reset my emotions in hopes that tomorrow I have a better outlook on things.


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