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    Spinning Sable, singles edition

    If you remember, a few months ago I posted about my current spin-in-progress. Well, nearly two months later I’m finally finished with the singles. And, instead of my initial intentions for a 3ply, I ended up just doing 2 bobbins for a 2ply. I’m not sure how I feel about…

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    On book sales and summer reading

    Every year our local ‘friends of the library’ organization hosts a giant book sale. Paperbacks for 50 cents, hardbacks for $1. Boxes and boxes and boxes of books to pour through. The sale is always on a Saturday and Sunday, with Saturday being a by-the-book fee, and Sunday being a…

  • Posts

    I suck at traveling

    Over-packed, under-planned, and sunburnt with sore feet: that’s how I travel. We took a trip this weekend, my Mr, his son, and I. We made our way north to the big mitten (Michigan) for a little knitting get-together in a park in Ann Arbor. It turned out to be a…

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    Ugh. Just… ugh.

    I’m ashamed to say that I spent $10 to get the Kindle version of the first 50 shades book a week ago. I got suckered in. Friends were reading it, and I felt left out as they talked about it. Holy fuck. What the hell was I thinking? It’s…. bad. So…

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    Vernal Equinox

    It’s been a while since I sat down to knit on something I wanted to. The baby sweaters I needed to knit are done, and now I feel like I can breathe a little easier knowing I no longer have a deadline. The nice break in weather isn’t half bad…

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    The 5k

    Ya’ll, I did it! I ran my first ever 5k! And it was awesome and amazing and miserable and hot all at the same time. We woke up early and had to leave the house by 7am to meet up with my running buddies at the race site at 8am.…