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    Maybe this is just what we needed

    I kept busy this weekend with canning. The store had some produce on sale, so I came home with ingredients to make strawberry lemon jam, more sriracha peach sauce, apples for applesauce, cider for a mustard glaze (need to find the mustard seed in bulk, first), and got to work.…

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    Lean times

    September was the month of travel and plenty. October, fittingly, becomes the month of becoming homebodies and lean times. The Mr lost his job last week, right at the end of the month. Laid off, technically, because of budget issues though it’s hard to not take it personally when you’re…

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    Last of summer adventures

    We had an impromptu weekend away to Put In Bay with some friends and their daughter, which turned into this amazing end-of-season trip. Normally, Put In Bay is pretty packed during the regular season. But, given it was after Labor Day, it turned into the perfect escape. At home, temps…

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    Busy little bee

    Found this little cutie taking advantage of my laziness and getting the pollen off my flowering basil. I have a kid-free evening, and decided to throw together a quick garden harvest meal (roasted eggplant, tomatoes, and fresh basil drizzled with some garlic olive oil, served over some pasta… it smells…

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    Longing for the woods

    The local kids are nearly all back in school, and this afternoon, after pre-schoool open house, there was the distinct feel of autumn. Just a slight hint of it, mind you, but there it was – hitting me all at once and, yet, as slight as a whisper. Autumn –…

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    Spinner in training

    Whatever I do, he wants to do. I had been pressing some water out of a handspun yarn so it could dry before I knit it up, and he asked to spin some of his own yarn. I don’t want him messing with my wheel (too many moving parts for…