
With a little dried lemon

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Back around the holidays my parents gifted me with my very own NESCO Snackmaster over the holidays, and my wonderful husband (who knew ahead of time what my parents were doing) gave me a book on dehydrating to go with it. I’ve wanted one for a while now, so of course I have immediately set to using it. The last few weeks have been very much the following meme:


So far there has been dried apple chips (which I could never get enough of as a kid but they were crazy expensive), multiple rounds of fruit leather, homemade beef jerky, dried strawberries – which, okay, I know they’re out of season and all but the store had them 3/$5 and I couldn’t wait – and lemon slices. I have another batch of jerky marinating in the refrigerator and will be put in overnight, and I have a big bag of apples to core and slice for another round of apple chips.

Needless to say, I’m hooked. Those little dried lemon slices? The perfect addition to a cup of hot tea. I’m planning on taking them to work with me in a little jar to keep in my drawer. I love love love a bit of lemon in my tea, but taking fresh lemon to work has never worked well for me. The lemons either got weird, or went bad before I could use the whole thing. So this dehydrating thing has me really excited! I have a whole new way to preserve food to learn!

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