We’re heading into darker times. The weather is growing colder, the sunlight goes away earlier, and the wheel of the year turns once more. I both love and dread this time of year. I adore the cooler weather, the smell in the air, the leaves not just changing but the bare branches they leave behind and how we see who the trees really are underneath all that decoration. But I also struggle incredibly hard with the lack of sunlight and the general blah-ness that I know the upcoming winter will bring.
So, I’m trying to find the glimmers this autumn and winter. The shiny happy little bright spots of daily life that help make life worth living. I’ve been working hard on trying to reframe my thinking – turn those negative thoughts around into something maybe not necessarily positive (because people who are always positive are insufferable, honestly), but something more… neutral? It’s not going to be fool-proof, of course. But if it helps supplement my meds this winter and helps keep my emotions grounded instead of spiraling into a pit of depression, then that’s a win, right?
Today’s glimmer features these cats. Just… random cats eating outside of an auto body shop that was on my way to a trail for a morning walk. If I hadn’t been stopped by a train, I would have never noticed them. And it made me happy to see that the auto body shop guys were feeding them.