My calendar says August 1st, but it feels like just yesterday was June and the start of summer. I’d ask where July went, but I know. It’s a blur, but it happened. I lived it. I lived it up, even. I celebrated a milestone birthday and flew to see my best friend for the occasion. I saw new places and things, both big and small. I created and made things. I enjoyed flowers from my garden, and picked and picked veggies from the garden. Bread was made and enjoyed. Books were read. My people were loved on.
Life was absolutely lived this month in the best kind of way.
But August is today and I’d be lying if I said I was sad about it. These summers of loose (or no) routines and laziness and just going with the flow always are enjoyable until they’re not. I’m ready for some semblance of routine again. Some quiet time in the house while the kiddo goes off to school. And, of course, the fall weather and the coziness that brings with it. Warm candles, cool mornings with hot coffee, and the like.