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    Tour de Fleece and such

    Sunday, we spent a good portion of the day cleaning the house. Literally. When I put my new furniture out I realized how awful and dirty the siding and trim was, so I grabbed a bucket and some soap and scrubbed the whole thing down. A smarter person would have…

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    The state of things

    I’m not getting enough progress done today to things I wanted to get done. My first vacation day since I switched jobs (I hit my 1 year anniversary on Monday, but wasn’t able to find time for a day off until today), and I spent the first half of my…

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    I’ve given up fighting it

    This kid is so fascinated by my spinning wheel. No matter how many times you tell him to leave it alone, he’s always over there playing with it. You can watch his little brain work while he tries to figure out how it works to make all the pieces move…

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    A little spinning

    My wheel has been tucked into a closet for months upon months. I honestly don’t remember the last time I spun on it, but at some point I started spinning some fiber I dyed on one of my annual knitting weekends. The yarn is thicker than I normally spin it,…