Friday night I attended my first book club. My dear friend has been talking about it for a while, and she’s constantly telling me “you need to come with me” so I can meet other people. More specifically, other local moms. I think it’s her way of trying to make…
Phillip Fox Band. Also known as me admitting that I don’t hate everything that sounds even slightly country. Expanding my horizons I guess you could say.
Yesterday we had a kitchen day – I turned on the White Stripes station on Pandora, popped him into the bouncer, and we hung out together in the kitchen while I prepped some items for dinners this week and cleaned and organized some cabinets. It’s been a bit since…
I’ve been pretty out of commission for the last week thanks to a nasty mastitis infection. It’s not something I ever care to repeat so I’ve been strictly adhering to the rest, rest, and rest some more orders from the urgent care doctor I saw last Saturday. Which means if…
I’m just over 3 weeks in on this motherhood thing and I still feel lost. I’m assuming that’s normal for a first-time mom? I’m not even “on my own,” yet, either, as the husband is still working from home in the mornings to help me out. I…
Saturday we celebrated my grandfather’s 94th birthday with a little shindig. I probably wasn’t expected to actually make anything to bring, and I’m certain that I could have just ran through the grocery and bought a tub of potato salad or something, but that’s just not me. No, I had…