
I suck at traveling

Over-packed, under-planned, and sunburnt with sore feet: that’s how I travel.

We took a trip this weekend, my Mr, his son, and I. We made our way north to the big mitten (Michigan) for a little knitting get-together in a park in Ann Arbor. It turned out to be a fantastic day for it – warm but not too warm, a perfect breeze, plus lots of food and booze and yarn, of course.

That was… pretty much the highlight of the weekend. The rest of the trip ended up being such a huge disaster. I didn’t plan as well as I should have. We never really traveled anywhere when I was a kid, so it’s not like I have a good background in how to plan a trip or anything. I never really sat down and said “ok, we’re here x days, and this is going on x day and this other thing doesn’t open until x time” to really plan things out and just figured we’d wing it (which is really quite the complete opposite of this control freak’s nature).

Yeah. Epic disaster, and I feel like I wasted what could have been a nice weekend with my boys.

That’ll teach me to relax on my obsessive need to plan ever again. Also, I have very few pictures from the whole weekend, which also teaches me that I need to find a better balance between ‘being present’ and taking time to capture memories for the photo albums at home.

(On a brighter note, I took some much-needed time to get some creative juices going and did a quick little redesign on the blog. It didn’t make up for the crappy trip, but messing with code was a bit therapeutic and my mood is a bit brighter now!)

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