So there you are, heartsick and confused in the passing lane, wondering why you cannot stop thinking about heritage livestock and electric fences. Do not be afraid. You have what I have. You are not alone.
You are suffering from Barnheart.
From Jenna Woginrich of Cold Antler Farm. Read the rest here.
Thanks to a Facebook friend, I learned today that my local Tractor Supply Co. had their baby chicks in. So of course I made up found a reason to drive out there and see them (more on that later). Which really is some serious self-inflicted torture for me. #1, we live in town and in 2010 our local city council banned “farm” animals – rabbits included – inside the city limits (I can have a noisy, smelly dog that barks at everything but can’t have two pet chickens that provide me with eggs to eat… yeah, I’m still a little bitter). So the only thing I can do right now is look longingly on these cuties and keep searching the real estate ads for the right place at the right price in the country. #2, Country music. Seriously. I cannot stand country music. And it is clearly the music of choice for any farm-type store. Is there such a thing as the non-traditional/alternative farm store? Where maybe The Black Keys, Beastie Boys, or pretty much any non-country tunes are being played over the loudspeaker? Because that’s where I want to shop.
Someday my little farm will stop being a dream and finally be a reality. Someday.