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Self-Inflicted Torture

ducklings chicks chicks2

So there you are, heartsick and confused in the passing lane, wondering why you cannot stop thinking about heritage livestock and electric fences. Do not be afraid. You have what I have. You are not alone.

You are suffering from Barnheart.

From Jenna Woginrich of Cold Antler Farm. Read the rest here.


Thanks to a Facebook friend, I learned today that my local Tractor Supply Co. had their baby chicks in. So of course I made up found a reason to drive out there and see them (more on that later). Which really is some serious self-inflicted torture for me. #1, we live in town and in 2010 our local city council banned “farm” animals – rabbits included – inside the city limits (I can have a noisy, smelly dog that barks at everything but can’t have two pet chickens that provide me with eggs to eat… yeah, I’m still a little bitter). So the only thing I can do right now is look longingly on these cuties and keep searching the real estate ads for the right place at the right price in the country. #2, Country music. Seriously. I cannot stand country music. And it is clearly the music of choice for any farm-type store. Is there such a thing as the non-traditional/alternative farm store? Where maybe The Black Keys, Beastie Boys, or pretty much any non-country tunes are being played over the loudspeaker? Because that’s where I want to shop.

Someday my little farm will stop being a dream and finally be a reality. Someday.

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